The Green Doctors scheme launches to provide free energy support to City residents

The Green Doctors scheme launches to provide free energy support to City residents
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City residents struggling with the rising cost of living have been urged to utilise a free energy support advice service to navigate the winter crunch.

The Green Doctors scheme is provided by the charity Groundwork, and offers financial and health support for those in need.

The programme is available to households that receive means tested-benefits, those aged 65 and over, as well as people with long-term health conditions or disabilities.

Services include energy efficiency advice, installation of energy saving devices, support for applying for larger energy saving measures, impartial advice that will help residents heat their homes for less, and directing and connecting residents to further help.

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Amid spiraling energy costs, The Trussell Trust recently announced that a third of residents in London (33 percent) who took part in a fresh study (4,581) have admitted they are more likely than ever before to have to call on help from a charity.

Daniel Brittle, Green Doctor Service Manager said: “Our Green Doctors are specialists in providing impartial and practical advice that is easy to adopt. The team is ready to support residents of the City of London who are struggling with the cost of living.”

People can be referred by someone who knows them such as a health professional, social worker, carer, neighbour or relative. Eligible residents can also refer themselves to this programme by calling 0300 365 3005 or online.

The City’s libraries will also be offering respite for residents suffering through the energy crisis this winter.

The Barbican Library, Artizan Street Library & Community Centre, and Shoe Lane Library are hosting a series of drop-in activities, and providing free WiFi and computers, workshops and clubs in a warm space where visitors can escape the cold.

Parents have been encouraged to bring their children to events, such as ‘toy time’ to play inside.

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