City of London Corporation welcomes end of Plan B restrictions

plan b

The City of London Corporation’s Policy Chair, Catherine McGuinness, has welcomed the Government’s announcement that Plan B restrictions will not be extended after 26 January.

From next Thursday, Government will no longer ask people to work from home, and mandatory use of NHS COVID passes will come to an end.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson encouraged face coverings in enclosed or crowded places, but confirmed the authorities would no longer criminalise anyone who chooses not to wear one.

McGuinness said: “The announcement that working from home guidance will be lifted is very welcome news for the many businesses in the Square Mile which have been seriously affected by the recent drop in footfall. The green shoots of recovery can now thrive again.

NOW READ: Lifting of Plan B restrictions “not the end” of the fight against COVID

“Before Christmas, the Omicron variant cast a dark shadow over the Square Mile’s recovery. The signs are now much more promising. We look forward to welcoming City workers back to their offices as soon as possible.

“We will be re-launching our ‘Square Smile’ campaign to encourage people back and support retail, leisure, hospitality, and cultural attractions.

“The City Corporation is also launching a new grant scheme to support our SMEs. This will provide some much-needed relief for sectors that have been particularly hit by the recent restrictions as they prepare for more and more people return to a vibrant Square Mile.

“Of course, we all need to remember that the virus hasn’t gone away. We’re just entering a new phase in how we live with it and so, vaccination, and consideration for others, remain just as important.”

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