The Square Mile gets its first rapid electric charging point


The Square Mile’s first rapid electric charging point has been installed at Noble Street. Positioned for dedicated use by new zero-emission capable (ZEC) taxis, which have been on Capital’s roads since January 2018, the charging point is the first of 11 due to be installed by the end of the year.

Alastair Moss, chair of the City Corporation’s planning and transportation committee, said: “I am proud to unveil our very first on-street rapid electric charging point for taxis.

“As licensed ZEC taxis are being seen in increasing numbers across London, I look forward to increasing the total number of charging points in the Square Mile to meet demand.

“I am particularly excited by our plans for one of London’s first charging ‘hubs’ at Baynard House, which should limit idling as ZEC drivers spend less time searching for vacant charge points on our streets.

“We are dedicated to supporting the continued success of the taxi and freight trade, as well as tackling vehicle related pollution.”

There are currently 80 charging points publicly available in the City of London. Residents in the Barbican have access to 30 permanent electric vehicle charging points across five car parks in the iconic Grade II-listed estate. A further 50 are located in City Corporation-owned public car parks.

Jeremy Simons, chair of the environmental services committee, said: “Cleaning up toxic air has to be one of the most important priorities for the public health of Londoners.

“Delivering this charging infrastructure demonstrates the Corporation’s commitment to improving air quality.