‘Nightingale’ court to open above Barbican Tube Station


A “Nightingale” criminal court will open in the Square Mile next month to help cut down the backlog of unheard cases.

The Ministry of Justice announced that the makeshift court will be housed in an office building above the Barbican Tube Station called Aldersgate House, which also connects to the famous Barbican estate via a footbridge.

It will open on March 1, include two court rooms, and take cases from Isleworth, Harrow and Snaresbrook crown courts.

The Barbican is among 14 venues across England and Wales announced by the Government this week to help reduce the huge backlog of cases that have built up over the pandemic.

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The justice services watchdog, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services, said in January that 53,000 cases were waiting for their first court hearing, and that some cases were being listed for 2022.

The 14 newly announced courts will hear mostly non-custodial Crown Court cases, the MoJ said.

Twenty-three Nightingale courts are already up and running, including one in Prospero House near Borough Tube Station.

The total number of Nightingale courts will reach 60 by the end of March.

The MoJ said the new courts, with their 1,600 extra staff and technical fit-outs, will cost £113 million.

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