Dogstagram: Leadenhall Market puts pooches in the frame

Dogtsagram: Leadenhall Market. Picture by Digby Loftu

Leadenhall Market is opening its first ever pop-up photo station for dogs – suitably dubbed Dogstagram: Leadenhall Market – this month.

Were you one of the hundreds of Londoners who became a parent to a pooch during lockdown? Did you master the art of the candid snap for the feed?

Well, London’s oldest marketplace will soon be home to Dogstagram: Leadenhall Market, running from Wednesday September 22 until Saturday October 9.

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The City of London’s covered Victorian market is inviting dog owners to bring their furry friends to the cobblestone streets and get their canine chum photographed.

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Puggy Smalls at Dogstagram: Leadenhall Market

Dogstagram: Leadenhall Market comes full stocked for a memorable shoot.

There will be four photo stations for pups to choose from at the wag-tastic event, each with a unique backdrop and all the props to bring the final snap to life.

Themes include Jurassic Bark, Flower Pooch Patch, the Toy Box and Puparazzi Ready, so there’s something to suit puppies of all sizes.


Feature image: Digby. Photo by David Loftus

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