Totally Thames Festival returns to the City of London for 25th edition

City of london river thames festival 2021

The Totally Thames Festival has returned to the City of London for its 25th edition.

Running until Thursday September 30, the annual festival will celebrate the River Thames and its contribution to London’s evolution with a month of exciting events across the capital – with many taking place in the Square Mile.

You’ll be able to see London glow when Leo Villareal’s Illuminated River lights up the River Thames every night alongside a full schedule of events, head to the shore for mudlarking, and check out river-themed art from children around the world at the National Maritime Museum in the Rivers of the World exhibition.

The whole 2021 programme will be accessible both in person and online to ensure everyone can enjoy the festival. 

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Totally Thames Director, Adrian Evans, said: “‘Take me to the river!’ was our exhortation in the early Thames Festivals, and over the years we have done just that with a hundred or so artist commissions and millions of audience members. 

“We’ve energised the Thames and its environs with mid-river firework displays, dance and theatre, feasts on bridges, night carnivals, riverside ballrooms, beach parties, river races and regattas, and even a ships’ opera. We’ve explored previously untold Thames tales and celebrated river characters and the folklore. 

“We’ve raised awareness of the importance of the river to tens of thousands of young people. For 25 years we’ve been the cultural voice of the river. And we will continue to do so – there’s so much more yet to say and do.”

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