Clean air and recycling dominate London’s top environmental awards


Firms tackling air pollution and championing recycling have been recognised at the Clean City Awards, the capital’s environmental ‘Oscars’.

The financial services sector triumphed, with the Bank of England and Investec PLC praised for their work in tackling environmental issues.

The scheme, now in its 26th year, rewards City businesses leading the way in improving their environmental performance – be it by reducing plastic use, cutting carbon emissions or boosting recycling.

The winners are:

Air Quality and Climate Action Award:

Bank of England – for taking practical actions to reduce the impact of their own operations, and working with suppliers to cut their carbon footprint and improve air quality.

Plastic Free City Award:

Investec PLC – for cutting single-use plastics by collaborating with catering and cleaning teams, and working tirelessly with staff to encourage positive behaviour change by swapping to reusable alternatives.

Communication and Engagement Award:

Investec PLC – for encouraging, educating and inspiring their workforce to champion sustainability in their own homes.

Resource and Circular Economy Award:

Broadgate – for their strong local relationships with charities and community groups which boosted recycling.

Clean Streets Partnership Award:

Mission to Seafarers and St James Garlickhythe – for their work supporting the City’s homelessness community

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The Chairman’s Cup rewards organisations taking action to boost their environmental, sustainability performance, and behaviour change during the COVID-19 outbreak. 

The winners are:

Chairman’s Cup – Large firms category:

Bank of England – for excellent progress in reducing their carbon footprint, and engaging with staff, senior leaders and suppliers to improve waste management processes.

Chairman’s Cup – Facilities Management:

1 Angel Court – for delivering first class sustainable procurement, design, operation and communications during an unprecedented year

Chairman of the City of London Corporation’s Environmental Services Committee, Keith Bottomley, said: “Congratulations to all the firms who have won awards this year.

“It has been an unprecedented year for all London’s businesses, but I am proud to see such excellent and important work still being done to benefit the environment. 

“I hope that recognising environmental initiatives in this way will give ideas and encouragement to others.”

 The City Corporation itself has pledged to become single-use plastic free by the end of this year.

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