City of London election results announced in full

city election results

The City of London announced its election results in full after voters went to the polls last week to decide who would run the Square Mile. Following the results, the council is dominated by independent councillors who won 74 seats.

The Temple and Farringdon Together Party won 10 seats in the Farringdon Without ward, while the Castle Baynard Party won seven seats in the ward of the same name. The Labour Party successfully took five seats on the council, while none of the Women’s Equality Party candidates were successful.

One of the election’s successful candidates was the independent Emily Benn, the granddaughter of the late Labour minister Tony Benn. Benn, 32, won 105 votes in the Bread Street Ward.

The 2022 election results sees independent councillors retain control of the City of London, despite losing ten seats. The Labour Party also lost one seat, having had six councillors serve during the previous administration.

The City of London elections do not work the same way as normal elections and are held earlier than the rest of local elections which take place in May.

Because the City of London has such a low resident population, businesses in the borough are also allowed to vote. Bodies employing less than ten workers can appoint a voter, and those employing 10 to 50 workers can appoint one voter for every five employees.

To be appointed as a voter for a company, the employee needs to have worked for them in the City for at least one year. Residents over 18 are also eligible to vote, as in normal local elections, and are also allowed to vote in the borough where they live.


Randall Anderson (Independent) – 317 votes (Elected); Helen Fentimen (Labour) – 499 votes (Elected); Stephen Goodman (Labour) – 443 votes (Elected); Deborah Oliver (Independent) – 350 votes (Elected); Anett Rideg (Independent) – 373 votes (Elected); Naresh Sonpar (Independent) – 351 votes (Elected); Jeremy Mayhew (Independent) – 260 votes; Adam Richardson (Independent) – 113 votes


Camilia Kaerts (Independent) – 88 votes; Timothy McNally (Independent) – 195 votes (Elected); Andrein Meyers (Independent) – 203 votes (Elected); Hugh Morris (Independent) – 82 votes; David Sales (Independent) – 194 votes (Elected); Mandeep Thandi (Independent) – 192 votes (Elected); Shailendra Umradia (Independent) – 178 votes (Elected)


Ian Bishop-Laggett (Independent) – 114 votes (Elected); Madush Gupta (Independent) – 133 votes (Elected); Rajiv Vyas (Independent) – 60 votes


John Allen-Petrie (Independent) – 62 votes; Robert Ingham Clark (Independent) – 59 votes; Nighat Quereshi (Independent) – 75 votes (Elected); Luis Felipe Tilleria (Independent) – 77 votes (Elected)

Bishopsgate (Uncontested):

Simon Duckworth (Independent) (Elected); Wendy Hyde (Independent) (Elected); Shravan Joshi (Independent) (Elected); Andrew Mayer (Independent) (Elected); Benjamin Murphy (Independent) (Elected); Thomas Sleigh (Independent) (Elected)

Bread Street:

Emily Benn (Independent) – 105 votes (Elected); Stephen Hodgson (Independent) – 60 votes; Harini Iyengar (Women’s Equality Party) – 31 votes; Giles Shilson (Independent) – 84 votes (Elected)

Bridge and Bridge Without (Uncontested):

Keith Bottomly (Independent) (Elected; Timothy Levene (Independent) (Elected)

Broad Street:

Shahnan Bakth (Independent) – 127 votes (Elected); Elizabeth Corrin (Independent) – 65 votes; Christopher Hayward (Independent) – 148 votes (Elected); Antony Manchester (Independent) – 113 votes (Elected); John Scott (Independent) – 51 votes


Christopher Boden (Independent) – 67 votes (Elected); James Bromiley-Davis (Independent) – 75 votes (Elected); Havilland De Sausmarez (Independent) – 58 votes; Kevin Everett (Independent) – 57 votes

Castle Baynard:

Joan Durcan (Castle Baynard Independents Party) – 224 votes (Elected); Martha Grekos (Independent) – 271 votes (Elected); John Griffiths (Castle Baynard Independents Party) – 206 votes (Elected); Michael Hudson (Castle Baynard Independents Party) – 117 votes; Catherine McGuinness (Castle Baynard Independents Party) – 211 votes (Elected); Graham Packham (Castle Baynard Independents Party) – 215 votes (Elected); Henrika Priest (Castle Baynard Independents Party) – 237 (Elected); Alpa Raja (Castle Baynard Independents Party) – 218 votes (Elected); Glen Witney (Castle Baynard Independents Party) – 205 votes (Elected)

Cheap (Uncontested):

Nicholas Benstead-Smith (Independent) (Elected); Tijs Broeke (Independent) (Elected); Alastair Moss (Independent) (Elected)

Coleman Street:

Michael Cassidy (Independent) – 98 votes (Elected); Sophie Fernandes (Independent) – 142 votes (Elected); Saif Masood (Independent) – 83 votes; Andrew McMurtie (Independent) – 113 votes (Elected); Dawn Wright (Independent) – 125 votes (Elected)


Jamel Banda (Independent) (Elected); Alexander Barr (Independent) (Elected); Michael Snyder (Unaffiliated) (Elected)

Cornhill (Uncontested):

Joanna Abeyie, Independent (Elected); Peter Dunphy, Independent (Elected); Ian Seaton, Independent (Elected)


Richard Bostock, Independent – 587 votes (Elected); Anne Corbett, Labour – 616 votes (Elected); Elizabeth King, Independent – 581 votes (Elected); Frances Leach, Labour – 549 (Elected); Natasha Lloyd-Owen, Labour – 617 votes (Elected); Susan Pearson, Independent – 686 votes (Elected); Paul Singh, Independent – 393 votes (Elected); Ceri Wilkins, Independent – 378 votes (Elected); Shazaah Masoon, Independent – 252 votes; Simon Walsh, Independent – 222 votes


James Pollard, Independent – 83 votes (Elected); Mark Wheatley, Independent – 79 votes (Elected); Flora Hamilton – 52 votes

Farringdon Within:

Brendan Barns, Independent – 204 votes (Elected); Matthew Bell, Independent – 159 votes (Elected); Graeme Doshi-Smith, Independent – 100 votes (Elected); John Edwards, Independent – 245 votes (Elected); John Foley, Independent – 153 votes (Elected); Patricia Holmes, Independent – 240 (Elected); Florence Keelson-Anfu, Independent – 106 votes (Elected); Eamonn Mullally, Independent – 148 votes (Elected); Joseph Cawley, Independent – 34 votes; John Gill, Independent – 45 votes; Gillian Kaile, Independent – 60 votes; Arne Mielken – 82 votes; Gordon Nardell, Labour – 83 votes; Gerard O’Sullivan, Independent – 29 votes; Harry Stratton, Labour – 87 votes

Farringdon Without:

George Abrahams, Temple and Farringdon Together – 262 votes (Elected); John Absalom, Temple and Farringdon Together – 249 votes (Elected); Caroline Addy, Temple and Farringdon Together – 275 votes (Elected); Gregory Lawrence, Temple and Farringdon Together – 286 votes (Elected); Charles Lord, Temple and Farringdon Together – 278 votes (Elected); Paul Martinelli, Temple and Farringdon Together – 281 votes (Elected); Wendy Mead, Temple and Farringdon Together – 289 votes (Elected); Ruby Sayed, Temple and Farringdon Together – 282 votes (Elected); Oliver Sells, Temple and Farringdon Together – 283 votes (Elected); James Upton, Temple and Farringdon Together – 267 votes (Elected); Ellen Goodwin, Labour – 108 votes


Timothy Butcher, Independent – 50 votes (Elected); Judith Pleasance, Independent – 55 votes (Elected); Philip Woodhouse, Independent – 49 votes (Elected); John Chapman, Independent – 34 votes; Alexander Craggs, Independent – 36 votes; Timothy Wright, Independent – 23 votes

Lime Street:

Dominic Christian, Independent – 134 votes (Elected); Henry Colthurst, Independent – 106 votes (Elected); Anthony Fitzpatrick, Independent – 95 votes (Elected); Irem Yerdelen, Independent – 108 votes (Elected); Sam Batstone, Independent – 41 votes


Ali Munsur – 254 votes (Elected); John Fletcher, Independent – 255 votes (Elected); Henry Jones, Independent – 213 votes (Elected); Jason Pritchard – 239 votes (Elected); Dominic Hauschild, Labour – 56 votes; Lana Joyce, Labour – 114 votes; Alison Smith, Women’s Equality Party – 37 votes

Queenhithe (Uncontested):

Caroline Haines, Independent (Elected); Brian Mooney (Elected)


Aaron D’Souza, Independent – 183 votes (Elected); Marianne Fredericks, Independent – 219 votes (Elected); Jason Groves, Independent – 176 votes (Elected); James Tumbridge, Independent – 184 votes (Elected); Roger Chadwick, Independent – 142 votes


Rehana Ameer, Independent – 62 votes (Elected); Jaspreet Hodgson, Independent – 45 votes (Elected); Richard Burge, Independent – 38 votes


Alethea Silk, Independent – 113 votes (Elected); James Thomson, Independent – 126 votes (Elected); Peter Bennett, Independent – 105 votes

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