City Corporation praise for ‘discreet lifeline’ offered by sunflower


The Square Mile’s governing body is pledging its support for a national initiative that raises awareness of the needs of those with hidden disabilities.

The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower – a distinctive and instantly recognisable green lanyard, featuring a sunflower design – is being promoted as a way of letting people know that the wearer may require extra support and more understanding.

Autism, chronic pain, speech impairments, deafness, and lung conditions, are among the disabilities that may not be immediately obvious to people around them, thereby, making the lanyards invaluable in signposting the wearers’ needs.

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City workers, residents, and businesses are being encouraged to email [email protected] to receive the lanyards which, along with pin badges, are also being offered to members of the City Parent Carer Forum, set up for parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs or a disability (SEND).

Chairman of the City of London Corporation’s Community and Children’s Services Committee, Ruby Sayed, said: “The sunflower lanyards initiative has my whole-hearted support, because it offers a discreet lifeline to people who can sometimes need extra patience and understanding from us.

“I am very pleased that there is so much genuine enthusiasm for wearing the lanyards which, essentially, is a gentle way of asking us to be gentler with people with these hidden needs.”

Further information about Hidden Disabilities can be found at

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