City Corporation calls on Labour to back a green recovery for the capital


The City of London Corporation has called on the Labour Party to push for a green recovery for London from the Covid-19 pandemic.

The call comes as the City Corporation hold a virtual roundtable with think tank IPPR at this year’s Labour Party Conference to explore the ways in which London can lead by example on climate action.

It will also examine how businesses can help facilitate a transition to reduce carbon emissions and improve climate resilience.

The ‘Net-Zero London: Challenges and Opportunities’ fringe event features contributions from leading political figures including Shadow Climate Change Minister and MP for Greenwich and Woolwich Matthew Pennycook, Deputy Mayor of London for Environment and Energy Shirley Rodrigues, and Policy Chair for the City Corporation Catherine McGuinness.

The discussion will be chaired by the Head of the IPPR’s Environmental Justice Commission Luke Murphy.

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Speaking ahead of the fringe event, Catherine McGuinness, Policy Chair at the City of London Corporation, said: “Households and businesses across the capital continue to face unprecedented challenges as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. As focus shifts to the economic recovery, it is vital that London leads the way by placing climate action at the centre of our pathway to growth.

“The Labour Party has already outlined ambitious plans to support a zero-carbon recovery, for example by helping to retrain young people who lose their jobs in green industries. Radical action like this and partnership with the private sector is essential to tackle the climate crisis.

“London is well-placed to establish a blueprint for other cities to follow suit given it is a world-leader in green finance and sustainability. We want to work with the Labour Party to realise this vision for the benefit of all.”

As part of its own efforts, the City Corporation is due to launch its Climate Action Strategy this year. This will outline what the organisation will do to ensure the Square Mile – and the sites run by the City Corporation itself – become net-zero emissions and climate resilient in the future.

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