Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers pays tribute to Chaplain


The Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers has paid tribute to Bishop the Right Reverend Dr, Sir John Waine KCVO, GCStJ, who has sadly passed away having served as Company Chaplian for 23 years.

As Bishop of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich John first encountered the Glass Sellers in 1983 when the then Master Jim Bell asked him to be his principal speaker at at Mansion House Banquet.

When in 1988 the Residency Canon of St Paul’s, Bishop Kenneth Woolcomb, decided that he wanted to stand down as Chaplain to the Company John was approached to see if he would be interested in taking on the role.

John made his declaration as a Freeman of the Company in September 1995 and then became a Member of the Court in December 1995.

He progressed to become Master of the Company in December 1999 and thus saw in the new Millennium in 2012 he blessed the new bells to be installed at St James Garlickhythe.

A Company statement said: “As Master Glass Seller, John was asked to preach at the United Guilds Service at St. Paul’s Cathedral, the only time that anyone can recall when a serving Master has been so honoured.

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“His sermon which, amongst other things challenged Livery Companies to look at themselves and what they were doing had an enormous impact. John’s spiritual presence sent ripples throughout the City of London extending his influence far beyond the Glass Sellers Company.

“John has never imposed his Chaplaincy upon us, but we always knew that he was there if ever we needed him.

“Many a Master has had good reason to be grateful for this, finding John’s Episcopal arm of support when the going got rough immensely reassuring; but one Past Master put it, “Beware of getting uppity, John may prick your balloon – but so nicely that you don’t even notice it until days later!”

“His Graces are, of course legendary; properly reverential but hilariously funny, he relished poking gentle fun at the establishment most often politicians.”

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