What do September and January have in common?

What does September and January have in common?
Credit Unsplash

The first of September is not only a new day, the first of a month and a season, but in many ways can feel like the start of a whole new year: it heralds the formal end of summer, when children go back to school, and those who were lucky enough to go away return refreshed from their holidays. So somehow, even though we’re heading inexorably towards winter, it does also feel like a fresh new start. And just as now is the moment to tidy your garden to protect it from frost and ensure that it flourishes next summer, so too is it the perfect time to take stock of your business, consolidate the gains and lay the groundwork for hitting those end-of-year targets.

As well as feeling bolstered by some downtime, you might also have had the opportunity during August to make new goals and think of ways to be more productive or profitable. One evergreen investment that always yields results is networking: it really is all about sowing the seeds for future growth. Turning up at an event is a great way to be proactive about your business and often leads to immediate activity, whether that’s cementing a relationship, organising a one-to-one or being asked to quote for a new job. And once you’ve made that connection you’ll have it forever – as long as you
nurture it. That’s growth right there!

It can be hard to gear up again after a long break, which makes networking a great shout: it’s a painless but very effective way to work on your business while still enjoying the company of other businesspeople and all that a venue might have to offer, from its food and drink to its location, or even an activity.

With growth in mind, The Business Junction has a packed events schedule for September to help people expand their network and their opportunities over the coming month, whether they prefer to meet in the morning, lunchtime or evening, in the West End or the City or by the River!

The first lunch of the season takes place at Oche on the Strand, where a fabulous gastro tapas lunch will be accompanied by an optional game or two of high-tech darts. For those who like to get their networking done before the City is fully awake, there’s a champagne breakfast on the 14 th at One Lombard Street. Attendees of this popular event will be able to present their business to 55 other companies at the Square Mile’s most established restaurant, 1 Lombard Street. September’s evening event on the 27th will see some 80 businessmen and women gathering at The Refinery in the landmark Blue Fin Building on Southwark Street, just behind the Tate Modern.

Networking Tip

The best networkers will always tell you that it’s not only about the people you might meet at an event, but also about who is in their contact book. That’s just one of the many reasons why it’s worth really engaging with and listening to people you meet at networking events – you never know where the points of synergy might be or what introductions the other person might be able to make.

About Business Junction

Famously inclusive and informal, our popular events typically host business owners, directors and senior management from a rich mix of sectors. Professional hosts actively facilitate business-to- business connections, helping your company raise its profile and forge valuable new connections. An attendee list is circulated in advance to enable people to better prepare themselves, and making post-event follow-up simple and straightforward.
Company membership costs only £300 +VAT for a year – that’s around 50 events at some of London’s finest venues, the potential for over 2,000 in-person meetings, and online access and exposure to the entire membership, including a host of special offers.

“I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning.” —J.B. Priestley


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