Tips for maintaining your fitness motivation


When it comes to improving on your fitness, sustaining motivation can be tough. We’ve all been there. So you’ve decided you want to work on your fitness and have decided to start to hitting the gym.

Everything is going great, and you are full of ambition to achieve your goals. But suddenly after a few weeks, you don’t want to leave the couch anymore? It’s too cold and dark. Netflix just put out a new series. Is this you? Don’t worry.

This struggle is completely normal and it can happen to anyone, and the good news is that something that you can always do to get back on track. Here are the 5 ways to help you to stay motivated.

1. Write down your goals

Have you ever tried this? Before going to bed – write down the two things you want to achieve in the next day. Maybe you want to focus on your protein and your work out before lunch time. Once they written read them couple of times That will increase your chances of sticking with them.

2. Surround yourself with motivation

It might be motivational books, podcasts or helpful articles or maybe you can think about people who are rooting for you. You could even just put sticky papers everywhere with motivational quotes — car mirror, refrigerator, calendar, etc. It might be cliche but it really works It’s a constant reminder to keep going.  Not to get distracted and give up when things get tough. At No1 Fitness we are great believers in self development, daily wellness practice can really help to keep yourself motivated.

3. Work out in a group

This makes every part of the fitness lifestyle much better! It’s so great to combine exercise with social time – your friends motivate you and help you push through a tough workout. And it’s a good excuse to meet up with a mate who is always busy. So, get your friends on board and get moving! But there’s a possibility that your friends don’t share your fitness goals. That’s OK too. Opt for joining a class instead. It might be a good time to make new friends that are on the same journey.

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find your fitness clan and work out in a group

4. Track your success

Get yourself a notebook that you can keep track of your weight, diet tips, performance achievements and everything else what can fall into your set up goals. Or you can try a digital alternative, I tend to use polar heart rate monitor with most of my clients, that’s an easy and effective way to track training performance and results. Seeing the results  will not only motivates but makes you trust the process.

5. Remember WHY you started

There might be lots of reasons why you want to start or started your fitness journey however that it is more important to find a reason WHY that you can connect to consistently. What I mean is, try not to look at motivation as a tangible thing and instead try to have really clear and deep-seeded goals you can connect to. I want a six pack, but WHY do you want this? Do you even believe it is possible?

If you can’t think of a reason why you want it how can you see yourself achieving it? Find out your reason why and then make sure that you can continue to connect to the why. At some point in your training you might lose the focus and drive, so being able to look back at what you have written down or agreed with a trainer can be very useful to reconnect to it. At No1 Fitness we try to keep all our clients motivated at all times, no matter what their goals are, we always make sure they succeed in anything they want to achieve. As they say don’t stop when you are tired –stop when you are done.