Teen found guilty of knife attack jailed for six years

police crime jail court

A teenager who stabbed a work colleague near Liverpool Street Station has been jailed for six years.

The 17 year old, who can’t be named for legal reasons, was found guilty of grievous bodily harm with intent on 10 October after a two-day trial at Inner London Crown Court.

The court heard how the teen, who brought a large kitchen knife to his place of work concealed in his rucksack, lured his colleague outside, stating he had something to show him, at 6pm on 5 June.

The pair then walked towards Alderman’s Walk where the attack took place.

CCTV footage of the incident shows the victim narrowly avoiding a number of attempts by the suspect to stab him. However, during the struggle, the victim was stabbed in the left wrist.

The knife severely injured the victim’s tendons and punctured his artery.

Despite the fact he was bleeding heavily, the victim managed to run away from his attacker but was chased down the street by the suspect who was still brandishing the knife.

He eventually stopped near Liverpool Street Station where an off-duty paramedic came to his assistance, and alongside a City of London police officer, administered potentially life-saving first aid.

The suspect was arrested four hours later and instructed officers towards the weapon used in the offence which he had discarded in a garden area on Finsbury Circus.

Detective Constable Gary Kearley from the City of London Police said: “The suspects’ casual use of violence in this case, and his complete disregard for the consequences of his actions, was shocking.

“Thankfully, two members of the emergency services happened to discover the victim only moments after the attack and I have no doubt their quick thinking and decisive actions saved this young man’s life.”