‘Penis enlargement’ prank poster pops up in Bishopsgate


Most Londoners are fairly good at blocking out the billboard ads screaming out for our attention, but one poster advertising free ‘penis enlargement therapy’ to drivers of 4×4, Jeeps and Range Rovers in the City has had workers in Bishopsgate doing a double take.

The poster on Norton Folgate has been mocked up to appear like an NHS advert and asks: ‘Do you drive a 4×4, Range Rover or a Jeep in the city? You could be entitled to FREE penis enlargement therapy on the NHS.’ The number displayed is disconnected.

It is part of a guerrilla poster campaign around London from Birmingham prankster Foka Wolf. One advertises a week-long training course for ‘moped muggers’ during which prospective thieves can learn “how to spot people in phone trances”, “how to mount pavements safely” and “how to live with yourself”.

Another poster located in the shadow of the London Eye describes the popular tourist attraction as a ‘white knuckle adventure’ and ‘the world’s slowest ferris wheel’.