A brand new sexual health centre near Aldgate station will become ground zero for a fresh approach to sexual health services in the City.
The new centre, which opens on 3 April, will bring together services previously provided at Bart’s Hospital and other sites to create a centralised hub for sexual health at 80 Leadenhall Street.
Homerton University Hospital NHS Trust will run the facility, providing a range of services, including testing for sexually transmitted diseases (STIs), and administering post-exposure prophylaxis preventing HIV infection (PEP), with same day results available for test samples taken before 3pm.
Clients will also be able to self-test via the internet using an innovative e-servicing tool and access a range of contraceptive choices, including long-acting reversible methods such as the implant, IUD and IUS.
Dr Sarah Creighton, consultant in sexual health/HIV at Homerton, said: “This is an exciting expansion of the sexual health services network serving people living and working in the City and the London Borough of Hackney.
“80 Leadenhall will have its own discreet direct access and provide a range of services in a light, airy and stylish setting.
“The centre will be open Mondays to Saturdays and there will be early morning sessions to fit in with the particular requirements of City workers. Along with the range of face-to-face advice and treatments, we will also offer an e-diagnosis service and self-testing facilities.”
Joyce Nash, chairman of the City of London Corporation’s health and wellbeing board, said: “I welcome this new centre which will improve access to vital sexual health services to meet the needs of the people who live and work in the City of London.”