Museum of London seeks exhibition designers for West Smithfield site


The Museum of London has launched its second search for exhibition designers to develop the storytelling, display and collection store space in its new museum at West Smithfield, designed by award-winning architects Stanton Williams and Asif Khan.

Deep Time (working title) spreads over c.540sq m of underground spaces in the 1960s Poultry Market in West Smithfield.

Originally used for the cold storage of poultry, the museum is inviting designs to create an object-rich, narrative-driven, theatrical and interactive display area.

Objects, drawn from the London Collection, will range from the human remains of some of the most ancient Londoners right through to costume, social and working history and art and photography.

The Museum of London is particularly interested in start-ups and SMEs taking up the brief either individually or in partnership although will consider anyone bringing an innovative approach to creating exhibition displays.

Overall, it is estimated that the budget for the exhibition fit out works for the Deep Time displays will be in the region of £2m.

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Images by Matt Alexander/PA Wire.

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Sharon Ament, Director of the Museum of London, said: “Approach this brief with creativity, innovation and an understanding of the stories this place will tell. Deep Time is about the magic of things and we want to create a sense of wonder and curiosity here.

“We are open to challenges about our current thinking and want a design partner who will elevate our ideas to create a meaningful space that will really resonate with our visitors.

“The museum sees this as an opportunity to foster the talent and opportunity that abounds in the creative industries in London, the UK and indeed around the world.”

The new Museum of London will transform a campus of historic buildings at West Smithfield into a world-class visitor destination in the coming years.

Plans are well underway with an expert team already on board. This appointment will follow the arrival of Atelier Bruckner, appointed in 2019 as exhibition designers for the Past Time galleries in the atmospheric spaces beneath the General Market.

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