Lord Mayor launches Green Ribbon Campaign

Lord Mayor wages war on mental health stigma
Leading the charge: Dr Andrew Parmley

The Lord Mayor is going green next month in a show of solidarity with people weighed down by the stigma surrounding mental health.

Dr Andrew Parmley has called on everyone who works and lives in the Square Mile to join him in support of the Green Ribbon Campaign ahead of Mental Health Awareness Week (8-12 May).

Launching the campaign alongside the ‘This is Me in the City’ initiative, which encourages employees to share their experiences with mental health in the workplace, Dr Parmley said he was proud to be backing a cause which stands besides a quarter of adults nationwide.

“One in four UK adults suffer, at some time in their lives, from mental health difficulties,” he explained. “A half of absences in non-manual work can be put down to stress. Mental health difficulties can affect any of us at any time, employers and employees, in each and every sector.

“Let us therefore stand together, and show our support for ending mental health stigma in the work place.” The campaign is based on a successful concept by PwC, and market research conducted with the help of more than 60 companies found that 100% said they would consider rolling out the green ribbon in their organisations.

Almost three quarters (74%) went on to say that the pins go a long way to helping to dispel the myths around mental health and building inclusive cultures to improve employee wellbeing.

More than 30 City firms have already expressed an interest in taking part, including Bank of England, Baker McKenzie, Deutsche Bank, Aberdeen Asset Management, and UBS.