Lady Mayoress’s Sleep Out to raise funds to tackle homelessness

Lady Mayoress’s Sleep Out to raise funds to tackle homelessness

The second annual Lady Mayoress’s Sleep Out will return to the City’s streets – literally – next month.

The Lord Mayor’s Appeal and Pret A Manger’s charity The Pret Foundation will join forces with Lady Mayoress Felicity Lyons and Lord Mayor Alderman Nicholas Lyons for the event in Guildhall Yard on 16 March.

The charity fundraising event asks participants to ditch their warm beds for the night to raise awareness and funds for thousands of Londoners sleeping rough every night.

A cause close to her heart, The Lady Mayoress Felicity Lyons is asking people from the City and beyond to come along and help her raise awareness of this pressing issue.

The Lady Mayoress said: “Homelessness is a cause very close to my heart, which is why I am planning to swap my warm bed in Mansion House for a sleeping bag to raise awareness of what it’s like for a growing number of Londoners sleeping rough in the City and beyond.

“Together with The Lord Mayor’s Appeal and The Pret Foundation, we hope to encourage people to embrace a night under the stars and raise much-needed funds for those without a safe home to go to.”

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Taking part in The Lady Mayoress’s Sleep Out comes with a registration fee of just £25, with a minimum sponsorship target of £500, excluding Gift Aid.

Participants will need to bring their own sleeping bags, cardboard, waterproof and warm clothing, evening snacks, water bottles and anything else they need for an overnight stay at Guildhall Yard. Hot drinks and breakfast rolls from Pret will be provided for all sleepers the following morning.

Net profits from the event are being split 50:50 between The Lord Mayor’s Appeal and The Pret Foundation.

Proceeds donated to The Lord Mayor’s Appeal will be put to use across its beneficiary charities and its four initiatives to help make ‘A Better City For All’ that is inclusive, healthy, skilled and fair.

According to Crisis UK, 45 per cent of people experiencing homelessness have been diagnosed with a mental health issue which rises to 8 out of 10 people who are sleeping rough.

The Lord Mayor’s Appeal will focus on those that tackle mental health issues such as partner charity MQ Mental Health Research, the UK’s leading mental health research charity and initiatives like This is Me, helping to end stigma around mental health in the workplace.

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