In conversation with Marie Fleury

Marie Fleury
Credit Four Seasons Hotel London at Ten Trinity Square

We sat down with Marie Fleury, General Manager at Four Seasons Hotel London at Ten Trinity Square. In this interview we discuss her work at the hotel, what she admires most about Four Seasons Hotel London at Ten Trinity Square and her hopes for 2024. Read on to find out more.

Q. Tell us about yourself and how you got into the hospitality sector?

A. I have always been driven by a passion for making a positive impact on people’s lives and a desire to explore different cultures. When I was deciding on a career path, I didn’t have a specific industry in mind, but knew I wanted something that would allow me to travel and connect with people.

A relative of mine who was a pastry chef in Geneva, and my only connection to the hospitality sector, suggested I enrol in hospitality school in Switzerland. I was so inspired and fascinated by my experience there, that it confirmed to me instantly that this is what I wanted to do.

Q. The City is full of amazing hotels. What makes Four Seasons Hotel London at Ten Trinity Square unique?

A. Four Seasons Hotel London at Ten Trinity Square distinguishes itself through the exceptional care and dedication of our team, and the ambiance we work tirelessly to cultivate to ensure each and every guest has a memorable stay with us. The hotel is situated within a beautifully restored, 100 year building with a history that is truly unique to this part of the city. In addition to this, we’re proud to provide guests with a diverse array of experiences and offers, from the culinary excellence of our restaurants which includes two Michelin-starred La Dame de Pic London, Mei Ume and Rotunda Bar and Lounge, to our tranquil spa and wellness facilities and expansive guest rooms, suites and long-stay residences.

Q. Talk us through the experience that guests can expect with an overnight stay at Four Seasons Hotel London at Ten Trinity Square?

A. Guests of the hotel can expect to be welcomed warmly like family, and enjoy the royal treatment from the moment they enter the building. We have many repeat guests who express that they experience a genuine sense of a home away from home when staying with us.

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Credit Four Seasons Hotel London at Ten Trinity Square

Q. What do you love most about Four Seasons Hotel London at Ten Trinity Square?

A. There is really so much to love about this hotel. I have a huge amount of respect and admiration for our passionate team, whose care for our guests is at the forefront of everything they do. I’m inspired by the building’s splendour, which had been meticulously restored to preserve its historical significance, and the diversity of experiences on offer within. It is truly a jewel in the crown of the Four Seasons hotel portfolio.

Q. What are the characteristics of a successful General Manager?

A. First and foremost, it’s critical to foster a culture of support and enjoyment amongst staff, to ensure they enjoy the work they’re doing. Hospitality is an industry of the heart and without a happy and fulfilled team, no hotel will get very far. This goes hand in hand with guest satisfaction, which I also consider a key measure of success. We can learn so much from positive and constructive feedback, and it’s important to take the time to consider what our guests are saying closely. It is also very important to ensure our ownership company is satisfied with the way we manage their asset.

These things take a great degree of tenacity, patience and thorough commitment to achieve on top of managing the day-to-day operations of a luxury hotel.

Q. Talk us through your biggest achievements?

A. Being appointed to my first General Manager position here at Four Seasons Ten Trintiy Square has been a significant achievement for me, and something I’ve built upon a lifetime of hard work. I’m especially proud of this as I feel I’m a living testament to those who have warned me that it’s not possible to have a normal life in a position like mine.

I want to dispel the misconception that it’s not possible to be married with children and be a General Manager, although it does require sacrifice, perseverance and patience. I want to give hope to other aspiring women in hospitality who are made to feel its inaccessible or that they won’t have a fulfilling personal life. If you set yourself a dream, you can get there.

Q. What are the biggest challenges you face and how do you overcome them?

A. Managing work-life remains a perpetual challenge, but one that can be mitigated by fostering a cohesive and supportive team. This became particularly apparently as we began to rebuild post-COVID, and we were able to achieve great momentum as everyone began to align. Another challenge we face is the extremely tough competition we face in the industry, in a vibrant city like London. We distinguish ourself from the competition through the light-hearted luxury hospitality that guests enjoy in our hotel, and the distinctive and excellent offering across our restaurants, bars and spa.

Q. Which other hotels in the City do you think are fabulous?

A. In the city of London, properties such as Rosewood and The Ned stand out as vibrant and exceptional contenders. Each offers a distinct ambiance that contributes to the City’s diverse hospitality landscape.

Q. What advice would you give to any aspiring General Managers?

A. I would encourage aspiring General Managers to believe in their capabilities, and recognise the incredible opportunities for growth and enrichment within this fascinating industry. The multifaceted nature of the role means that no two days are the same, and you’ll be able to try your hand at so many different areas of the business – from sales and marketing to rooms, finance, food and beverage and more. Also… I highly recommend joining Four Seasons, as the company is expanding so rapidly and there are so many exciting prospects available within the company!

Q. What’s in the pipeline for 2024?

A. Our primary focus for 2024 is to align with the company’s new and robust strategic vision, while consolidating everything we’ve worked to achieve over the past two years following the hotel closure during Covid. We’re really looking forward to continuing to deliver the excellence synonymous with the Four Seasons brand, and having fun while we’re at it.

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