Electric scooters to be trialled in the Square Mile


The City of London Corporation has agreed to participate in upcoming trials of rental e-scooter schemes.

The Planning and Transportation Committee has agreed trials can take place in the Square Mile, provided they meet City Corporation requirements, as the schemes present an alternative transport that allows for social distancing.

The decision comes after the Government fast-tracked legal processes to allow 12-month trials of rental e-scooter schemes as part of its response to reduced public transport capacity due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Any eventual trial will be used to help inform the City Corporation’s stance on the future use of electric scooters on City streets.

Trials will only begin once the City Corporation is satisfied by Government guidance and the schemes will be monitored thoroughly.

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Alastair Moss, chair of the Planning and Transportation Committee at the City of London Corporation, said: “This is a timely opportunity to look into how e-scooters can play a role in supporting a shift to sustainable travel to compliment walking, cycling and public transport options in the City.

“The safety and comfort of all who live, work and visit the Square Mile is paramount, so we will need to be satisfied by Department for Transport and TfL guidance before the trials are implemented.

“Any eventual trial will be thoroughly monitored so that we are fully assured that hired e-scooters can safely play their part in making the City fully accessible with sustainable transport.”

It is expected that Department for Transport and TfL guidance will include identifiers and speed limiters on the e-scooters, a limit of three operators in any given area and the ability for local authorities to impose no-go and go-slow areas.

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