Corporation makes £40,000 aid donation after Sulawesi tsunami


The City of London Corporation has donated £40,000 in aid after a 7.5-magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami devastated the Indonesian island of Sulawesi.

At least 1,424 people and more than 70,000 homes were damaged in the natural disaster last week.

Waves reached 18 feet in height and left a trail of destruction in its wake, sparking a humanitarian crisis.

The UK’s Disasters Emergency Committee’s (DEC) Indonesia Tsunami Appeal today (4 October) launched a call to arms and is encouraging donations from City organisations and individuals.

DEC member charities and their Indonesian partners are already working closely with national authorities to provide food, clean water, first aid and shelter, while helping survivors to cope with the trauma of the last few days.

The local authority’s donation comes from the City Corporation’s Disaster Relief Fund, which seeks to relieve human suffering, bringing its total donations in the last two years to £140,000.

Last year the organisation gave £25,000 towards the We Love Manchester Appeal following the devastating terror attack in the city, and £75,000 in total to emergency appeals in Burma, South Asia and for those affected by Hurricane Irma.

Jeremy Mayhew, chairman of the finance committee, said: “Last week’s tsunami is devastating for Indonesia, tearing apart communities and destroying livelihoods in an instant.

“The DEC urgently needs all the funds it can get in order to help as many people as possible.

“There is a desperate need for the basic life essentials – food, clean water, medical care and shelter.

“We want to do whatever we can to help and we are encouraging others to come together and support this appeals as best they can.”