Consultation launched over support for City’s unpaid carers

Consultation launched over support for City’s unpaid carers
credit Unsplash

A consultation into how best to support unpaid carers across the Square Mile has been launched.

Feedback will shape the City of London Corporation’s draft Carers Strategy 2023-27.

An unpaid carer is classified as anyone, including children and adults, who looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of illness, frailty, disability, mental health, or an addiction and cannot cope without support.

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Chairman of the City of London Corporation’s Community and Children’s Services Committee, Ruby Sayed, said: “Unpaid carers are crucial to our community. They make sure that those who cannot look after themselves get the care and support they need.

“We are encouraging all residents and workers to give us their views so we can deliver the best support possible for the City’s unpaid carers.”

Residents have until 3 May to complete the survey via the website at

The Carers Strategy will be considered by the City Corporation’s Community and Children’s Services Committee in June and published on the City of London website.

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