City of London Corporation donates to Bangladesh flood relief efforts

city of london corporation bangladesh

The City of London Corporation has made a £25,000 donation to a fund providing relief to victims of floods in Bangladesh.

The Square Mile’s governing body has donated the money from its International Disasters Fund to the charity Save The Children’s response to the humanitarian crisis in the south Asian country.

Heavy monsoon rains and floodwater from upstream in India have inundated large parts of the Sylhet region of eastern Bangladesh, killing over 100 people and leaving millions marooned.

The money will be used to provide hygiene kits, water purification tablets, food and shelter kits and to support cleaning up schools and rebuilding homes devastated by the floods.

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The City of London Corporation’s Finance Committee Chairman, Henry Colthurst, said: “With the eyes of the world understandably on events in Ukraine, it is important that the international community does not overlook the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Bangladesh.

“With the largest Bangladeshi community in the UK on our doorstep in Tower Hamlets, the plight of families affected by the flooding has a particular resonance for us here in the City.

“This funding will contribute to the vital work Save The Children is doing on the ground to provide food, shelter, clean water to those in need and to support the rebuilding effort which must follow.”

People can donate to Save The Children’s Emergency Fund, which supports efforts in Bangladesh and other emergencies at

The international development and relief charity Human Appeal has also set up a specific Bangladesh Emergency Fund and donations can be made at

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