City Corporation’s vision for a Food School in Barking and Dagenham takes shape

City Corporation's vision for a Food School in Barking and Dagenham takes shape with introduction at historic Billingsgate Market
Credit Barking Abbey School

A new pilot food school located at Billingsgate Fish Market opened its doors to schools from Barking and Dagenham, as an introduction to the City of London Corporation’s vision for a permanent food school in the east London borough.

The City Corporation is developing plans for a food school at the new markets site in Dagenham, which will train tomorrow’s market traders, providing the skills required to develop future butchers, fishmongers, and fruiterers.

This will strengthen the future resilience and prosperity of the wholesale food markets and the competitiveness of the traders.

In collaboration with the London council, the project aims to complement the council’s ambitious plans for the creation of a food hub in Barking Town centre and improve health and economic outcomes in the borough.

An introductory course for students from several primary and secondary schools from Barking and Dagenham was held at the pilot food school.

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This included a tour of the wholesale fish market and covered a variety of topics, including the nutritional benefits of fish, the role of fish in a healthy diet, the sustainability of the UK seafood industry, the different types of fish available in the UK, and how to choose and prepare fish.

Policy Chairman at the City of London Corporation, Chris Hayward said: “I’m delighted the food school has opened its doors to schools from Barking and Dagenham, providing a glimpse into this exciting vision for a new educational facility in the heart of this east London borough.”

The relocation of Billingsgate Fish Market and Smithfield Meat Market will see the City Corporation invest nearly one billion pounds into Barking and Dagenham and will act as a catalyst for the development of a food economy in the local area, supporting town centre activities and revitalising the area.

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