City Corporation named best academy sponsor

The City of London

The City of London Corporation has been named as the best UK academy sponsor for a second year running for its work supporting pupils from low-income families to achieve top grades.

The Sutton Trust’s report – Chain Effects 2018: The impact of academy chains on low-income pupils – looked at the impact of academy chains on the progress of students from disadvantaged backgrounds.

The report ranks the City Corporation’s sponsored academies as the top performing schools in the country in terms of Attainment 8 and Progress 8 at GCSE level, which track pupil achievement and progress.

The authority sponsors or co-sponsors 10 academies across Hackney, Newham, Islington and Southwark. It also supports three independent schools while the City of London Academies Trust runs its sole sponsored academies.

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City of London Academy Hackney toasts its GCSE results. Photo City of London Academy Hackney / Twitter

The Sutton Trust, a social mobility charity, has been producing reports for five years, with this year being the final in the series.

The 2018 report explored how disadvantaged pupils who have fallen behind at primary schools make more progress by GCSE stage in sponsored academy chains compared to other types of school.

The five-year analysis shows a small number of chains have demonstrated consistent year-on-year improvement in the ranking while others have fallen or fluctuated.

The City of London Corporation was one of three chains judged as consistently high in the ranking when looking at overall performance.

Andrew McMurtrie, chair of the City of London Academies Trust, said: “We are proud to be recognised for our work supporting students from some of the Capital’s most disadvantaged backgrounds.

“We aim to ensure that young Londoners have access to the best learning opportunities, empowering them to make a positive contribution to their communities.

“These results reflect the hard work and aspiration of students, their families and all the staff across our academies. I am exceptionally proud of what we are achieving together.”

Henry Colthurst, chairman of the City of London Corporation’s education board, also added his congratulations to students, their families and to the staff across the academies.

He said: “These findings are testament to the ambition and determination put in by everyone at our academies throughout this academic year.

“These schools are delivering life-transforming education and we are fully committed to providing access to world-class education for young Londoners.”

Cover image by John Salmon (Creative Commons).