City Corporation: Lockdown roadmap provides clarity for moving forward


City of London Corporation policy chief Catherine McGuinness says the PM’s plans to lift the UK out of lockdown provide clarity for moving forward.

The country could be free of all legal limits on social contact by 21 June, with the final closed sectors of the economy also up and running by the summer.

Ms McGuinness said: “This roadmap provides welcome clarity on our way out of lockdown. It’s good to see the focus on data as a driver for progress.

NOW READ: This must be the final lockdown  

“We look forward to additional information in the coming weeks, particularly on when workers can return to offices.

“Employers in the City have dedicated considerable resources to deliver Covid-secure workplaces and to restore confidence among their staff, many of whom are eager to return to their place of work.

“The City stands ready to welcome workers back when it is safe to do so.

“In the meantime we urge Londoners to continue to act responsibly by complying with the rules in order to reduce transmission, save lives and protect the NHS.”

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