City Corporation backs Covid Community Campaign to fight hunger this winter


A pan-London campaign to fight hunger this winter by providing food and bare essentials to those struggling has received the support of the City of London Corporation, alongside the London boroughs.

The Covid Community Campaign has been launched by Dame Louise Casey with London Councils, The Mayor of London and leading national food poverty charities The Trussell Trust, FareShare, Magic Breakfast and Social Bite also lending their support.

It aims to build on the strong community spirit seen so far during the coronavirus pandemic to ensure everyone has what they need to get by during the winter months.

The campaign asks the public, businesses, community and faith groups to give what they can to the fund to support fellow Londoners.

City of London Corporation Policy Chair, Catherine McGuinness, said: “Food poverty is an issue we urgently need to tackle to help those struggling for food or bare essentials.

“The coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated the needs of the poorest in our capital, therefore, the City Corporation is proud to support this campaign, which brings communities together to help the most vulnerable in our society.”

Money raised will be distributed amongst the campaign’s charity partners, and 20% of proceeds will go to local charities in each participating area, including First Love Foundation which supports City residents.

The campaign is also encouraging people to give money, food, essentials or their time in support of their local food hubs and other local charities providing vital support.

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Chairman of the City of London Corporation’s City Bridge Trust Committee, Dhruv Patel, said: “It is vital Londoners do everything we can to tackle food poverty.

“The coronavirus pandemic has left many families across London facing a tough Christmas so we must all join together and help end hunger by supporting this campaign.”

Food hubs are set to face increasing demand with less resources over the winter, as they seek to support those who are adjusting to life on Universal Credit, a loss of income or unemployment as a result of Covid-19.

Chairman of th City’s Community & Children’s Services Committee, Randall Anderson, said: “The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on residents across London has been devastating. Children should never go hungry and parents should never go without food so their children can eat. By joining the Covid Community Campaign we aim to highlight our commitment to help end food poverty.”

In response to this rising food poverty crisis, the Covid Community Campaign is calling for the public to come together in support of their communities and visit to find out how they can get involved.

The campaign also aims to go beyond the immediate crisis – providing essential support this winter – by building on the work each partner is already doing to tackle hunger and working together towards a long-term solution that addresses food poverty.

City residents in need of financial and food support should click here.

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