City Corporation appoints new Town Clerk and Chief Executive

City Corporation appoints new Town Clerk and Chief Executive
Ian Thomas

A new Town Clerk and Chief Executive has been appointed by the City of London Corporation.

Ian Thomas CBE will become the City’s 51st Town Clerk in February 2023.

He will succeed John Barradell, the current man in the post who steps down on December 31 after 10 years of service.

The Town Clerk is a position that dates back to the 13th century, which acts as head of the paid service, leading over 4,000 City Corporation staff, and is the organisation’s principal adviser to elected Members on matters of policy.

Thomas will take over following four years as Chief Executive at the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames.

In 2019 Thomas was awarded a CBA for his leadership at Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council in the wake of the child exploitation scandal in the town, before he led a £1.2bn regeneration programme at Kingston.

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He said: “I am inspired by the prospect of joining the City of London Corporation as its Town Clerk and CEO. The engine room of the UK economy and London’s public services is here in the Square Mile.

“I aim to build on all the excellent work already underway to enable the City’s residents, businesses and visitors to enjoy outstanding public and commercial services.

“I would like to thank the Members, staff and partners at the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames for the opportunity of working with them over the past four years and know that the Royal Borough will go from strength to strength.”

City of London Corporation Policy Chairman, Chris Hayward, said the Square Mile’s governing body was inheriting a man with “inspirational leadership qualities.”

Hayward said: “He joins us at a time when we face many challenges but also many opportunities, and will lead, influence and shape the City at a time when our role has never been more important.

“Working collaboratively with Members and partners, he will play a key role in developing Destination City, our ambitious new programme to reimagine the Square Mile as a world-leading destination in which to live, work and visit.”

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