City Bridge Trust flexing its financial muscle

A Six figure sum will assist in the development of community services for senior residents.
Welcome lift: seniors are being supported

A six figure sum will assist in the development of community services for senior residents. That’s how Age UK Richmond have pledged to spend a £102,000 donation by the City Bridge Trust.

Charity chiefs say the grant will help finance the salary of a part-time community services co-ordinator and support the costs of a project working with isolated older people aged 75 and over.

“We are absolutely delighted to be awarded this three-year grant towards our Community Services programme,” said chief officer at Age UK Richmond, Sandra Morrison, before outlining her gratitude for the sizeable gift.

“This grant will enable us to deliver even more activities in a range of local venues and locations across the borough to make our activities accessible for even more people over 75 years. We really appreciate the support of City Bridge Trust.”

Age UK Richmond supported more than 9,800 older people during 2015/16 on a one-to-one basis, an increase of 28% on the previous year.

But the charity was not the only one to benefit from the latest round of funding from the Corporation’s charitable arm. Naree Shakti, a group that supports Asian women living in London to provide more help for female carers and their families, has benefitted to the tune of £18,500.

Translating to ‘women’s strength’ in Hindi, Naree Shakti is based in Enfield and was established in 2005 to assist in overcoming language and cultural barriers that can impede engagement with mainstream services and wider society.

The organisation also offers social activities to help Asian women live more healthy, active and informed lives. Hinnah Gill, director of Naree Shakti, explained that her organisation proposes to recruit a dedicated part-time member of staff with the funds. “We are very fortunate to have received this grant from City Bridge Trust during this very unstable financial climate,” she added.

“The needs of the community are increasing but funds to support services are on the decline. “The funds will enable us to continue our work in supporting older Asian carers to gain access to advice and information and help reduce their social isolation. “A series of workshops, support groups and outings are planned in the coming months to identify carers from this community and enable them to gain information, access support and improve their quality of life.”

City Bridge Trust is London’s biggest independent grant giver, making grants of £20 million a year to tackle disadvantage across the Capital.