Bank Junction vehicle ban kicks in

Bank Junction
Cyclists take advantage of clearer roads on Bank Junction

Cyclists dominated the rush hour scene at Bank Junction on Monday as tough new regulations came into force at the accident hotspot.

Restrictions, namely the exclusion of lorries, vans, cars and taxis from the area during peak times, were implemented on 22 May, but that didn’t stop many motorists taking advantage of a two-week amnesty on penalties.

Around a dozen Corporation and Transport for London (TfL) representatives were stationed at the junction on the morning of the rollout, and will be in place for at least a week to monitor the impact of the changes.

One TfL assessor told City Matters that the junction was “less busy” than usual and that they were confident the new rules had been well enough publicised.

Cyclists and buses are still permitted to use the roads in peak hours (7am-7pm), and a considerable number of riders could be spotted utilising the “quieter” roads.

However, a two-week window to still use the junction without risking a £130 penalty meant for a lively mix of vehicles on the roads. Drivers who do pass through the junction prior to the fines process becoming active will receive a warning letter.

The Corporation told City Matters that income generated by the measures would be redistributed into similar programmes.

A spokesperson said:

“The purpose of this scheme is to improve safety at Bank junction – one of London’s most dangerous hotspots. Penalty charge notices are there to encourage compliance and deter vehicles from passing through the junction.Any income received will be reinvested in improving the safety and infrastructure of the area.”

The rules will be in place for 18 months and form part of the Bank on Safety Scheme, which aims to reduce the number of accidents at the junction.

A total of 34 cyclists and 31 pedestrians were injured at Bank between 2011 and 2015.

Lead image: Serena Newbury