Top Ofsted marks for City’s children’s social care services

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Children’s services at the City of London Corporation has been graded ‘Outstanding’ by regulator Ofsted.

Following the week long inspection, inspectors said ‘senior leaders have a clear and ambitious vision for vulnerable children and families’.

After the visit in early March, Ofsted reported that ‘assessments of children’s needs are of a high standard.’

Inspectors recognised that the reports are comprehensive, give a clear analysis of the children’s needs and clearly identify potential risks.

They also saw that children’s views are consistently taken into account and are included in subsequent planning.

The inspectors found that ‘social workers know the children extremely well’ and because of this children were able to form positive relationships and share information about their lives, which has helped inform their plans.

The inspection also found that where appropriate, ‘children are encouraged to attend or send views to meetings to inform future planning and to ensure that they have influence over their own lives.’

Ofsted also found that children in care and care leavers are extremely well supported. The majority have good attendance at all education and enrichment classes, and they engage in their learning.

The report noted that the workforce is greatly valued and very well supported to ensure that ongoing, highly effective services are consistently provided to children and families.

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Randall Anderson, chairman of the City of London Corporation’s community and children services committee, said: “We are immensely proud of this achievement and it is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our talented social workers, leaders and families who look after some of our most vulnerable children.

“We will continue to ensure that our looked after children remain our main priority and give them the foundation to reach their full potential.”

The inspectors recognised that there is a thorough understanding by all senior managers and council members of their responsibilities.

Ofsted said ‘the lead member and deputy chair of the safeguarding sub-committee demonstrated an impressive knowledge of children’s services, taking a proactive approach to meeting young people to facilitate greater understanding of individual circumstances’.

Yvette Stanley, Ofsted’s national director for social care, said: “This is a significant achievement and testament to the hard work and tenacity of many people – from senior leaders and managers, to frontline staff and wider safeguarding partners.

“City of London social workers are very well trained and highly skilled, which helps them to make a positive difference in the lives of our most vulnerable children.”

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