City Corporation appoints Deputy Town Clerk

Greg Moore
Image credit City of London Corporation

Greg Moore has been appointed the City of London Corporation’s Deputy Town Clerk following a competitive process.

The City Corporation has almost 4,250 staff covering seven corporate departments, three service departments and seven major institutions.

As Deputy Town Clerk, his responsibilities include overseeing the co-ordination of political and policy advice to the City Corporation’s elected Members and senior staff leaders and supporting the organisation’s decision-making processes.

Greg will help lead the organisation’s Governance and Member Services section, which supports more than 500 political decision-making meetings each year.

He also manages the programme and private offices of the Lord Mayor and the City Corporation’s de-facto political leader, the Chairman of the Policy & Resources Committee.

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The Deputy Town Clerk role includes oversight of the organisation’s Strategic Security & Resilience service, helping to protect the City, ensuring business continuity, and recovery.

In the position Greg will supervise the City Corporation’s responsibilities as a police authority to maintain a safe and secure City; Corporate Health & Safety; and services for the wider Town Clerk and Chief Executive’s department.

The Deputy Town Clerk, alongside the City Corporation’s full leadership Team, is key to delivering the commitments in the organisation’s five-year Corporate Plan, which was launched in March.

The Plan is designed to ensure the City Corporation focuses on its ambition to be a world-class organisation that fully embraces the needs and diversity of the communities it serves.

Greg joined the City Corporation as an administrative assistant in 2009 and has progressed through the organisation working in a number of different roles, including as the Interim Deputy Town Clerk for the past ten months. Outside of his time at the City Corporation, Greg also has local authority and charity sector experience, particularly in the governance field.

From a long line of Londoners and local authority workers, Greg has strong connections with London and the City in particular, having gone to a school with Livery Company links.

City of London Corporation Policy Chairman, Chris Hayward, said: “Greg’s appointment is richly deserved and recognises his outstanding work. He will help lead us at local, London-wide, national, and international levels. The role of Deputy Town Clerk is integral to the implementation of our Corporate Plan, which showcases not only our commitment to our residents, businesses and communities we serve in the Square Mile, but emphasises our leadership in contributing to the UK’s prosperity. Greg’s work will be critical to our journey as an organisation and his expertise and experience will help skilfully guide us.”

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