Police crackdown on gang of up to 100 teens on bikes terrorising City


City police has lifted special measures to try to control youths on bicycles congregating in the Square Mile, confident a four-day ban has sent the message their anti-social behaviour “will not be tolerated”.

One person was arrested and more than 100 cyclists were moved on during the Section 35 dispersal order, which prevented the congregation of youths on bicycles within City boundaries from 1pm on 13 February.

The measures were initially in place for 48 hours, but was extended to 17 February following further reports of individuals gathering and causing “anti-social behaviour” on Castle Baynard Street. There was one arrest on Thursday afternoon for a public order offence.

A police spokesperson said the group was mostly teenagers and ranged from 50 to 100 on weekends, cycling dangerously around traffic and pedestrians and intimidating members of the public.

Due to further reports of anti-social behaviour caused by a group of individuals on bikes in Castle Baynard Street we have taken the decision to extend the Section 35 until 1.45pm on Saturday.

Chief Inspector Jesse Wynne said the group was so large they were obstructing roads and public areas, and are also responsible for graffiti in the area.

“We do not wish to prevent young people from getting together and enjoying themselves but it is important they are doing so in a way that is safe for everyone and within the law,” he said.

“We will always to try and engage with these groups and work with them however on a number of occasions they have not co-operated with the relevant authorities.

“The dispersal order has now expired and will not be renewed unless there is further evidence of antisocial behaviour.”